Thursday, February 12, 2009


Check out the wedding slideshow here...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A whole new name

After worrying about the hassle of changing my name and hounding many new brides about the process, my name change is now complete. It went much better than I thought. I took a full day off from work and started at the DMV. I was amazed at the number of non-english speaking folks waiting in line with me to get their driver's licenses. Most of them brought their son or daughter with them to help translate. I picked a good day to do it because I was in and out with my new license and new name in less than an hour. My next stop was the social security office. I rode up the elevator with what I assume was a prisoner because he had a police escort with him. He was a very nice fella and we talked about how we hoped the wait wouldn't be too bad. I walked in to a room full of people just sitting around waiting with three open windows of unfriendly workers. I scanned the room for a seat and found one in the back next to a girl who looked like she was as out of place as I was waiting to change her name as well. I sat waiting trying to listen for my number to be called. A lady sat down next to me with her cell phone in hand talking to her "baby's daddy" on the phone--she actually referred to him as that. He asked where she was and she said "I'm at the social security office checkin on my money". Seriously??? Can I just get my name changed? So, my number was shouted out by the lady behind one of the windows, and I raced up to the front with all the paperwork already filled out that I downloaded from their website. I asked if I would get my new card that day, and she ignored my question, left her desk and went to the printer to print out a piece of paper to sign with my new info. Thank God I scanned it and noticed the address with apartment #3312....I shouted "NO! This is wrong!" crossed through it and had her change it to the correct address. I had reached my breaking point. She gave me a letter that said I would get my new card in two weeks and away I went. Next was changing my name at the bank. I went to the Wachovia near my work because I knew they had nice people working there, and I was very pleased with the name change at the bank along with our 300 new checks with both of our names and address for FREE :) I just got back from HR at work and I'm now wearing my new employee ID. So, I think I have it all covered. I'm sure I'll run into Russell here and there, but I am now officially known as Lindsay Thomas.